For reaching a healthier and sustainable primary production is necessary to reduce the pesticides dependence, getting a more resilient productive irrigation system, and adapting the most important crops to a hydric stress.
This healthier and sustainable primary production is complemented with a monitoring system which allows to improve the decision-making processes, in our case to extensive livestock farming and our characteristics and unique Mediterranean forest «La Dehesa».
To complete this sustainable transition process from farm to fork, Extremadura is going to research about new and innovative natural preservatives and new pre-biotics, pro-biotics and post-biotics plant-based lacto-fermented products.
Extremadura, a destination to research some of the most important planet's challenges
A biodiversity digital monitoring lab development, the design of new and innovative tools for the use of renewable hydrogen in industrial and domestic sectors, climate change crops adaptation, the development of biotech tools for diagnosis or the research in advanced therapies aimed personalised medicine are some of the global challenges where Extremadura is going to lead its researches.
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- Hiring organisation: Fac. de Ciencias - UNEX