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Biotech for Health ​

Biotech for Health

New horizons as personalised medicine or precision medicine are in the top of the European Health Agendas.

Medicine and Biotechnology are an essential pair for the development of health systems more effectives, efficient and sustainable.

Research on gene expression at cellular level, new personalized therapies, advanced surgeries techniques, surgical training and medical robotics are crucial to tackle some of the challenges that were unthinkable not so long ago in the healthcare sector.

This new context opens a new technology revolution in the health sector and the Spanish region of Extremadura want to become a referent.

Biotech for Health

New horizons as personalised medicine or precision medicine are in the top of the European Health Agendas.

Medicine and Biotechnology are an essential pair for the development of health systems more effectives, efficient and sustainable.

Research on gene expression at cellular level, new personalized therapies, advanced surgeries techniques, surgical training and medical robotics are crucial to tackle some of the challenges that were unthinkable not so long ago in the healthcare sector.

This new context opens a new technology revolution in the health sector and the Spanish region of Extremadura want to become a referent.

Biotech for Health

New horizons as personalised medicine or precision medicine are in the top of the European Health Agendas, and the Spanish region of Extremadura want to become a referent.

Extremadura, a destination to research some of the most important planet's challenges

A biodiversity digital monitoring lab development, the design of new and innovative tools for the use of renewable hydrogen in industrial and domestic sectors, climate change crops adaptation, the development of biotech tools for diagnosis or the research in advanced therapies aimed personalised medicine are some of the global challenges where Extremadura is going to lead its researches. 


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